TM 9-2350-287-20-12-22. SIMPLIFIED TEST EQUIPMENT FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTIONENGINES (STE/ICE) (continued).a. STE/lCE PMCS - (continued).(11 ) GOVERNOR CHECK/POWER TEST - DCA.CAUTIONTo avoid possible damage to the engine, checkgovernor operation before doing Power Test.NOTEBefore doing Power Test, engine must beatnormal operating temperature.A. 1. While watching VTM, increase engine speedto maximum governor speed of 2350 to 2500RPM.2. Press accelerator to full throttle.Does engine RPM stay between 2350 and 2500 RPM?CAUTIONTo prevent engine damage, do not performPower Test if engine temperature is above thenormal operating temperature.B. 1. Dial 13 into TEST SELECT.2. Press and release TEST button.3. When prompting message “CIP” appears onthe display, press down and hold accelerator untilthe VTM shows “OFF. Then release accelerator.4. A number will appear on the VTM. Thisnumber is equal to the percentage of power.Compare this number with the following table:%POWER: MINIMUM TEST LIMIT0-2000 FT2000-4000 FTABOVE 4000 FT757068%60%Is power limit in the above table?Go to para 2-22.a(13).ENDGo to para 2-22.b(13).OF TASK2-402If RPM is higher, notify Direct Support Maintenance.TexIf RPM is lower, go to para 2-22.b(13).
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