TM 9-2350-287-20-11-5. QUALITY ASSURANCE.No specific quality assurance manual pertains to the M992A1.Defective material received through the supply system should be reported on an SF Form 388, Product QualityDeficiency Report, Instructions for preparing the reports are provided in AR 702-7, Reporting of Quality DeficiencyData. Mail your completed form directly to:CommanderU.S. Army Tank-Automotive CommandATTN: AMSTA-QRTWarren, Ml 48397-50001-6. OFFICIAL NOMENCLATURE. NAMES, AND DESIGNATIONS.Nomenclature in this manual was chosen in accordance with the terms used for provisioning as they appear in therepair parts and special tools list (RPSTL) and maintenance allocation chart (MAC) for Unit maintenance on theM992A1 .A few tools and hull components are, however, referred to by names more common that those in the RPSTL. In manycases, the more common name is a shorter name for the same component.Nomenclature Cross-ReferenceAdapterBracketFront hull slope plateHookHose or hose assemblyLockwireMaster relaySide hull slope plateSpringTubeWiring harnessOfficial NomenclatureStraight pipe adapterRotating eye bracketArmor plateStrap fastener loopHose assembly, nonmetallicNonelectrical wireRelay and housing assemblyDoor support plateAdjustable door springMetallic bent tubeBranched wiring harness1-7. REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIRs).If your M992A1 needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us whatyou don’t like about your equipment. Let us know why you don’t like the design or performance. Put it on an SF Form368 (Product Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to the address specified in DA Pam 738-750.1-8. WARRANTY INFORMATION.The M992A1 is not warranted.1-2Manual Nomenclature
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