SECTM 9-2350-287-10-HRCODE(continued)Physical Security Code (continued)OSTUNaval Nuclear Propulsion Information.SECRET.TOP SECRET.UNCLASSIFIED.Sensitive ItemsPQR71234568Ammunition and Explosives.Drug or other substance determined by the Director, Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA), Department of Justice, to be designated schedule symbol III, IV, or V, as definedin the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, and other items requiring secure storage.Alcohol, alcoholic beverage, precious metal, drug, or other substance determined by theDirector, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Department of Justice, to be designatedschedule symbol II, as defined in the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, and other itemsrequiring vault storage.Prior to disposal, sensitive information-all nameplates, label plates, tags, stickers,documents, or markings-that relate items to weapons system end item application andmust be removed and destroyed.Ammunition and Explosives Security Risk CodeHIGHEST SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY I): Nonnuclear missiles and rockets in a “ready tofire” configuration (e.g., Hamlet, Redeye, Stinger, Dragons, LAW, VIPER) and explosiverounds for nonnuclear missiles and rockets. This category also applies in situationswhere the launcher (tube) and explosive rounds, though not in a ready-to-fire configuration,are jointly stored or transported.HIGH SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY II): Arms, ammunition, and explosives.MODERATE SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY III): Arms, ammunition, and explosives.LOW SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY IV): Arms, ammunition, and explosives.HIGHEST SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY I):Arms, ammunition, and explosives with aphysical security classification of SECRET.*HIGHEST SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY I): Arms, ammunition, and explosives with aphysical security classification of CONFIDENTIAL.*HIGHEST SENSITIVITY (CATEGORY II): Arms, ammunition, and explosives with aphysical security classification of CONFIDENTIAL.**Items coded 5,6, or 8 will be stored and transported in accordance with the provisions of DOD 5100.76-M or DOD5200. 1-R, whichever is more stringent.1-3
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