AIR CLEANER BOX ASSEMBLY: DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED)ASSEMBLYABCDEWARNINGDry-cleaning solvent (PD-680) is toxic and flam-mable. To prevent personal injury when usingPD-680, use only in a well-ventilated area. Avoidbreathing vapors. If you become dizzy, get freshair immediately and seek medical attention. Avoidcontact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use protec-tive goggles, gloves and clothing. If contact ismade, immediately flush with water and seekmedical attention. The flashpoint for Type I dry-cleaning solvent is 100°F (38°C); for Type II, it is138°F (50°C). Do not use near open flame or ex-cessive heat.Use dry-cleaning solvent (item 20, Appx D) to clean residue frombaffle (8).Use adhesive cement (item 3, Appx D) to install new seal (10)on baffle (8).Install baffle (8) on air cleaner box (9) by installing two flatwashers (7), two new lockwashers (6), and two screws (5).Preload spring in reset so that door is spring load-ed in closed position.Install hinge pin (2), spring (4) and two spacers (3).Install new spring pin (1) on hinge pin (2).TA57140 ,4-27Change 2TM 9-2350-267-20
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business