ADisconnect wire 29-31 from FUEL GAGE switch (p 6-19). TurnMASTER switch ON. If FUEL LEVEL indicator shows max-imum reading, ground wire 29-31, using jumper wire. If in-dicator shows a minimumfails to show minimum orreading, go to step D. If indicatormaximum reading, go to step B.NOTETo trace circuit 29-31, check wiring harnesses12260287 (p 6-84) and 12260298 (p 6-89).BDisconnect wire 29-31 from FUEL LEVEL indicator (6-21).Turn MASTER switch ON. If indicator shows a maximumreading, ground indicator. If indicator shows a minimumreading, repair or replace wire 29-31. If indicator fails to showa minimum or maximum reading, go to step C.TA3105042-145TM 9-2350-267-20
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