CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSection I GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONThis manual contains instructions for organizational level maintenance of the M992.APPENDIX A is a list of current references, including supply manuals, forms andother applicable publications.APPENDIX B Section III, lists the common tools and supplements and special tools/fixtures for the M992 maintenance functions.APPENDIX C lists the torque limits for the M992.APPENDIX D lists the expendable supplies and materials required to support theM992 maintenance functions.APPENDIX E contains a hydraulic diagram in schematic form for the M992.APPENDIX F contains an electrical diagram in schematic form for the M992.APPENDIX G is an illustrated list of manufactured items for the M992. It includescomplete instructions for making items authorized to be manufactured or fabricatedat direct and general support maintenance.MAINTENANCE FORMS, RECORDS AND REPORTSRefer to DA Pam 738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System, for listingof authorized Deparment of the Army forms and for instructions on how to use theseforms.Accidents involving injury to personnel or damage to materiel will be reported onDA Form 285 (Accident Report) in accordance with AR385-40.Explosive ammunition malfunctions will be reported m accordance with AR 75-1.METRIC TOOLSThe M992 vehicle described in this manual is non-metric metric tools are notrequired.REPORTlNG EQUlPMENT lMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATlONS (ElR's)EIR’s must be submitted by anyone who is aware of unsatisfactory equipment designor operation. It is not necessary to show anew design or list abetter way to performa procedure. Tell why the procedure is unfavorable or difficult. EIR's will besubmitted on Standard Form 368. Mail directly to Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automtive Command, ATTN: AMSTA-Q, Warren, Ml 48090.NOTEWhen equipment failure occurs that is not caused bynormal wear, poor operation, or accident you must submitart Equipment Improvement Recommendation.ADMINISTRATE STORAGEBasic requirements for administrative storage are covered in TM 740-90-1.DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USERefer to TM 750-244-6 for procedures on how to destroy the M992.1-1/(1-2 blank)Change 4TM 9-2350-267-20
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