TM 9-2350-261-34R E P A I R F U E L B U D D E R ( M 7 4 1 A 1 O N L Y)INITIAL SETUPTools:Personnel Required:General Mechanics Tool Kit (Item 35, App B)Track Vehicle Repairer 63H10c - clampReferences:Materials/Parts:See your -10Cellophane (Item 12, App C)See your -20Dry cleaning solvent (Item 18, App C)TM 43-0139Lacquer (Item 43, App C)Saddle soap (Item 68, App C)Equipment Conditions:Wiping rag (Item 86, App C) )Fuel bladder removed from carrierBladder Repair Kit 2910-00-937-9773 and(see your -20)2910-00-937-9774I N S P E C TW A R N I N GFuel fumes can explode andburn you. Before repairing:Drain all fuel. Clean upspilled fuel with wipingrags. Disconnect and cap allfuel and vent lines.1.2.Check fuel bladder for damage.Limit repair to cuts, punctures, blisters,abrasions and coating damage to 3 inches(8 cm) maximum.C L E A NW A R N I N GD rycleaningsolventP - D 6 - 8 0 ist o x i c a n dflammable. Always use inan open area with good airflow, away from sparks,h e a t , o r f l a m e s . W e a rgoggles and gloves. Do not breathevapors. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, andclothes. If you get dizzy while usingsolvent, breathe fresh air and get medicalhelp. If solvent gets on hands, wash them.If solvent gets in eyes, flush eyes withf r e s h w a t e r a n d g e t m e d i c a l h e lpimmediately.Keep fire extinguishernearby.3. Clean about 1 square foot (0.09 squaremeter) around damaged area with drycleaning solvent.4. Use cleansolvent toR E P A I Rwiping rags and dry cleaningclean dirt and sludge from bladder.5. Handle repair material as follows:a.b.c.d.e.Do not use cement that is grainy, lumpy,jellied, or thin. Do not use if cement haspassed its shelf life of 6 months.Stir cement before and during use.Keep covers on all cement containers whennot in use.Clean containers before using for cement,lacquer or solvent.Mark and identify cement and solventcontainers.4-16
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