TM 9-2350-261-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Model M113A2 FOVLocationItemIntervalItem toCrewmemberNot Fully MissionNo.Check/ProcedureCapable If:ServiceWARNING64WeeklyPeri-HIGH VOLTAGE in thescope(M19)M19 periscope cancause serious injuryor death. To avoid ac-cidents:ALWAYSconnectpower cable to peri-scope BEFORE turn-ing MASTER SWITCHand I.R.POWERswitch to ON.ALWAYS wait at leasttwo minutes BEFOREyou disconnect powercable from periscope,when turning L.R.POWER switch andMASTER SWITCH toOFF.NEVERdisconnectpower cable from peri-scope until Image dis-appears from peri-scope screen.NEVER touch end ofcable. Voltage couldexceed 16,000 volts.CAUTIONDo not expose this in-strument to direct sun-light during inspec-tion.2-124 Change 2
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