TM 9-2350-247-20-1PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS — Continued0128 00ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDCREWMEMBERPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLEIF:a. Immediately after road test cautiously feel allwheel and idler hub for noticeable difference intemperature between hubs. An overheated hubindicates that bearing is out of adjustment,poorly lubricated, or damaged.Any Class IIIleaks, coldshocks, or badbearings.b. Check temperature of shock absorbers. Shockabsorbers should be warm. A cold shockabsorber is faulty.c. Visually check inside and outside of carrier forfuel, oil, or hydraulic leaks.3Semi-AnnualIdle TestCAUTIONAvoid lengthy engine idling. This causescoolant temperature to drop belowoperating temperature and can shortenengine life.a. Run engine at 800 rpm for 3-5 minutes withrange selector in 2 to 3 range and brakes lockeduntil normal operating temperature is reached.Engine runshot or rough.b. If outside temperature is less than 85 degrees F(29 degrees C), normal operating temperatureshould be 160 degrees F to 200 degrees F (71degrees to 93 degrees C). If outside airtemperature is greater than 85 degrees F (29degrees C), normal operating temperatureshould be 160 degrees to 225 degrees F (71degrees to 107 degrees C).c. With range selector in N (M548A1) or SL(M548A3), engine should idle smoothly at 650to 700 rpm.d. High or low engine idle speed is usually causedby accelerator linkage being out of adjustment.Adjust linkage if necessary (WP 0197 00 orWP 0200 00).e. Rough idling is usually caused by faulty injectortiming and rack setting, faulty injectors or air inthe injection system. Notify your supervisor.0128 00-22
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