TM 9-2350-247-20-1ENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START BELOW 40F (AIR BOX HEATER ISUSED)—Continued0015 00BY1. Release air box heater switch.2. Turn MASTER SWITCH OFF.3. Remove air hose (1) from air pump (2).4. Is hose free from restriction and damage?YESNOBYN1. Replace air pump to air box heaterhose (WP 0180 00 or WP 0181 00).2. Verify no faults found.2BY1. Turn MASTER SWITCH ON.2. Listen to air pump with air box heater switch ON.3. Is air pump silent?YESNO2BYN1. Turn MASTER SWITCH OFF.2. Replace air pump vane set(WP 0190 00).0015 00-5
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