TM 9-2350-247-10PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES — Continued 0057 00ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDCREWMEMBERPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLEIF:c. Check that coolant level reaches bottom of fillerneck.d. Add coolant as needed.e. If coolant level is way below bottom of fillerneck, check indicator and coolant lines for leaks.f. Check that coolant fill cap is in good shape andseals tightly in place.g. For coolant system maintenance, seeWP 0066 00.7BeforeFireExtinguishers(Portable)DRIVERWARNINGCarrier fire could cause injury or deathand destroy equipment. Do not operatecarrier unless both fire extinguishers areready to use.a. Check fire extinguishers as follows:b. Check portable fire extinguisher control seal.Extinguishermissing.c. Make sure seal or locking wire is not broken.Seal or lockingwire missingor broken.0057 00-16
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